Quality and safety are two essential components of health care services, which are delivered at all levels of facilities. There is ample evidence in support of the fact that deficient quality results in sub optimum health outcomes. Health care quality depends on the knowledge and attitude of members of health care team. Health care professionals are quite aware about quality and safety measures. What is deficient is the practice or adoption of these measures in day to day practice. Casual approach or non co operation by any member of the health care team take us back to square one. All stakeholders bear the responsibility for quality improvement. The more senior and educated team members have additional responsibility of supervising the sub-ordinates and to correct them on day to day basis,so that culture of quality develop and sustain in a health care setting.
Improvement in quality is an ongoing process. Quality of care should be assessed at regular intervals to figure out the lacunae or deficiencies, so as to take necessary corrective steps. It may need some behavioural modifications of health care providers. Small educational sessions on quality improvement in health care should be organized at health care facility level. “Covid 19 Pandemic” have taught us lessons regarding importance of hygiene in maintenance of good health and protection from the common infections. It has also taught us about the importance of use of personal protective equipments for self protection as well as protection of our team members and clientele.
It is a joint responsibility of all health care providers to contribute in the delivery of best possible quality services. Safety of each and every member of health care team and patients must be kept in mind while planning and delivering health care services. There are high risk and low risk areas regarding safety in the hospital. Health care workers working in high risk areas like intensive care unit, casualty, critical care units, labour room and operation theatre should be targeted for educational sessions regarding safety.
NQOCN has taken lead at national level to inculcate the concept of quality in maternal and child health services through conducting “POCQI training” of health care teams at various institutions across the country. The MOHFW and many development partners have
Wholeheartedly supported and joined hands with NQOCN. Various teaching learning activities are being planned through recently launched “NQOCN-Community of Practice”, (COP) which will further help in spreading the knowledge and skills related to quality improvement among health care professionals in the country. NQOCN is also launching a Journal on Health Care Quality, which will provide a platform for health professionals to share and disseminate their learning related to quality improvement, across the globe.
The seeds of “Quality in Health” have been sown by NQOCN in India. We hope that this initiative will soon spread to all corners of the country and in the South East Asian region. The seeds will soon become a plant, that will yield beautiful flowers and fruits with the participation of every one through its nurturing .By providing unconditional support to quality initiative of NQOCN, let us fulfil our duty towards wellbeing of our women and children, who will take forward the human race. I strongly believe that “Together We Can !!!”